MINI Teleservices.


Wherever You Are, We're By Your Side.

What is MINI Teleservices? It’s a collection of intelligent technology features that provide support when your MINI requires servicing or maintenance. It makes the whole process more convenient and efficient. Follow on to find out how.

MINI Servicing Made Simple.

Top view of MINI 5 door Hatch

Automatic Teleservice Call.

So, your MINI’s service is due? Your MINI Centre already knows. And they have all of your service related data stored, analysed and ready to go. Clever, hey? It’s transmitted to them via Automatic Teleservice Call.

By the time your MINI Centre calls you to arrange an appointment, they’ll know everything they need to about your MINI. Meaning they’re better prepared for your visit and can pre-order any parts that may be needed.

Your Benefits.

  • No need to take notes or remember to flag issues with your MINI Centre. All of the remembering is done for you.
  • You’ll spend less time without your MINI, thanks to automatic information sharing. It means parts can be pre-ordered and preparations can be made.

Breakdown Call.

If you need technical assistance while you’re on the road, you can rest assured that you’ll get the help you need – thanks to MINI Teleservice Breakdown Call. You’ll be able to transmit your MINI’s data to our Roadside Assistance team so they can diagnose the problem and send the right kind of assistance, sharpish.

Your Benefits.

  • Always there for you. We’re on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • Get the assistance you need. Our Roadside Assistance agents will be able to gain a detailed picture of the condition of your MINI remotely based on data transmitted directly from the car.
MINI Service Partner Change Request

MINI Service Partner Change Request.

MINI Teleservices works alongside MINI Connected, to provide you with effective and continuous care throughout your MINI ownership. If you wish to change your MINI Service Partner, you can submit a request here.

Learn more about Teleservices.